Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chapter 15 Helpful Hints!

Once again Khan Academy comes to the rescue. Even though we've been learning about meiosis for years now, I am always confused when it comes to diploid and haploid and that "n" thingy. So this video was super helpful because it help explain in nice terms as Khan Academy tend s to do.  The video is a nice lecture that one could watch before an exam for a nice refresher. Of course it uses all of the terms we know and explains meiosis 1 and meiosis 2. It also compares and contrasts meiosis to mitosis every now and again, which I think is very helpful because I have a feeling there's going to be a question or two about comparing and contrasting the two processes on an exam.

This is a nice quick video on the cell cycle. Although it is brief, it has a decent amount of details and information packed into it. For example, structures like centromeres and kinetochores are identified and labeled when they are in action during the cell cycle. The video also explains the G1, S, and G2 phases during interphase which many people and many videos tend to forget is part of the cell cycle.

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