Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chapter 20 Helpful Hints!

This is a nice virtual lecture on gene cloning.  He explains all of the steps in gene cloning and also talks about organism cloning. After lecturing with just notes on the board, he brings out several diagrams to help pull all of the ideas together. The lecturer also cracks a joke every now and again, which is always nice! He uses all of the proper terminology and asks/presents those sorts of application problems that we all know Dr. Weber loves putting on exams. The video is a nice, quick watch.

Ok so the speaker speaks kind of slowly but alas, what can one do? So despite the speaker's slow voice, he gives quality information. Now when I say the video breaks down genomics, I mean it really breaks down genomics. It gives  information like DNA stores information and basics like that. However, it builds on these basics so that one understands genomics just like one understands what a gene is. This video is one of the ones that really help you understand core concepts, so that all other aspects can be understood better. Enjoy!

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