Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gotcha GMOs!

Wow. You are just awestricken by my title. Short, sweet, terse (you like that SAT vocab, I know), to the point, yet attention grabbing. I'll give you a few moments to collect your thoughts. You ready? Off we go!

So as you know since we did a major lab on them, GMOs are genetically modified organisms. That be as it may, a genetically modified organism, is an organism whose genetic material has been changed, altered, or modified using genetic engineering techniques. This article talks about how people are new trends in detecting genetically modified organisms.
Food is necessary for life, so everyone eats. (Wow, what a groundbreaking statement.) Anyway, since everyone eats, one cannot go mess around with food and sell it to people. This could lead to many people dying. Hence, just like with other aspects of food, genetically modifying food has to be authorized and regulated.
Now as time goes on, the production of genetically modified organisms has been increasing. There are so many new technologies that allow for the development of GMOs, but at the same token, advancing technology is also accounting for the many news ways of detecting GMO. Most of the methods involving GMO involve Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). After reading that little tidbit I felt all scientific and connected because we know what that is and we have done this! Anyhoo, as I was saying, PCR is the preferred method in detecting GMO because it can detect even minute amounts of the transgene material in the foods we eat.
It was also interesting to learn about the other methods used to detect GMO, as we already know about PCR. One method is based on quartz crystal microbalance piezoelectric biosensors, dry reagent dipstick-type sensors and surface plasmon resonance sensors. That was a mouthful... Another method involves using visible/near-infrared (vis/NIR) spectroscopy or mass spectrometry combined with chemometrics techniques. Yet again, another mouthful. So yes, to combat the increasing amount of unauthorized GMO products being produced, authorities are exploring various methods to detect the GMO products.

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